Tuesday 31 March 2015

Search Issue: Internal Server Error Exception

HI All,

Today I found the solution of our error with the Search in our SharePoint 2010 Farm.

The problem is that each user making a search into his Site collection via the Search Box as bellow, received this error message:

After checking services, IIS, Central Administration, rebooting all servers from this Service Farm, I still had plenty of Error with the Event ID 8313:

The solution is to stop/start (from Central Administration) the “Search Query and Site Settings Service” from each affected servers.
In my case, I had 2 servers having the service activated.
Thus, I’ve stop/start the servcice on both servers.

The main reason of the Round Robin Service Load Balancer Event, is that when the service is activated on several servers, if the first server cannot fint the search URL, it’ll send the request to the second server.
The risk is to have a ping-pong play between those servers.

To figure out this issue, I’ve read lot of blogs, and I found a clear explanation in Henry Ong blog.
He save my day.

Also, according to Microsoft, I was asked to schedule a daily recycling of the Application Pool for the “Search Query and Site Settings Service” service.
By default, the recycling is not set in IIS.

First point: find the correct Application Pool.

In the event log, the Affected Endpoint was https://<servername>/61c52c151c..../....svc
In the IIS Manager, under “SharePoint Web Services” path, I found it and opened the “Advanced Settings” from the right pane.
Thus, I had the Application Pool to schedule the recycle.

Now, open the Application Pools path, and select the correct Application Pool.
In the right pane, under the “Edit Application Pool” section, select “Recycling”:
                I‘ve decided that this Application Pool will be recycled each day at 4:50 AM.

Don't forget to do this manipulation on all servers that will start the “Search Query and Site Settings Service” service.

Thanks all Folks

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